Tag: Kickstarter
An Air Conditioner That You Can Take Anywhere

An Air Conditioner That You Can Take Anywhere

Air conditioners are so clunky and loud. You can't move them anywhere once they're installed, so if you're on the go, you pretty much have to hope that a portable fan or an open window will keep you cool enough. Well, that's not the case anymore.     Introducing Zero Breeze - a portable smart air ...

Turn The Back of Your Truck into a Convenient Bedroom

Turn The Back of Your Truck into a Convenient Bedroom

If you’ve ever gone on a road trip, you know that sleeping in your car is uncomfortable. But what happens when hotel prices start chipping away at your site seeing budget?   Get the Camperbox!       It’s a travel kit that lets you easily switch the back of your car into a bed. It takes ...

The Accordion Play House For Spaces Big And Small

The Accordion Play House For Spaces Big And Small

Children’s forts have always been hard to set up and take up a lot of space. The Accordion is so simple your kid can set it up, and it solves the problem of small spaces like bedrooms or apartments     amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "false"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = ...

Turn Any Sink Into A Washing Machine

Turn Any Sink Into A Washing Machine

Doing laundry can be a real hassle. You have to sort out handwash, delicates and it's even worse if you're travelling or on the go.   Now, Nival has a solution. This portable washer cleans your clothes while saving 60 times the energy.   Nival handles delicates, is ultra portable (it's only the ...

This Cloud Notebook Completely Erases When You Microwave It

This Cloud Notebook Completely Erases When You Microwave It

Portable technology, like phones and tablets, can be super convenient. Of course, there's a certain catharsis that comes from writing manually. Well, now you can get the pleasure of handwriting with the convenience of digital technology.   All you need is a pen, the Rocketbook Wave, and a microwave.   ...

Chunky Wool Creations Are Perfect For The Winter Blues

Chunky Wool Creations Are Perfect For The Winter Blues

Knitting is for retired women, right? At least that's what popular culture would have had you think until now.   What could possibly be better than curling up by a fire with hot chocolate in a soft, warm blanket? A blanket like this.     Introducing the Ohhio Braid, a brand new DIY material that ...

Phone Case With A Built In Selfie Drone

Phone Case With A Built In Selfie Drone

AirSelfie is the only phone case that comes with your own personal selfie taker inside of it. It's the world's smallest flying camera so you'll be able to snap photos anywhere -the sky is the limit.     Simply slide the drone out of the cover and launch the app that controls it from your phone. It ...

Meet Bonjour, the Ultimate Smart Home Companion

Meet Bonjour, the Ultimate Smart Home Companion

Do you remember HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey? Well, Bonjour is a lot like that, but much less scary.     Bonjour is marketed as a smart alarm clock, but in reality it is so much more. Bonjour is like a digital personal assistant.   With only your voice, you can control your music, your ...

Stay Cozy in This Magnetic Sleeping Bag

Stay Cozy in This Magnetic Sleeping Bag

You know what makes things better? Science. Science makes things better. Yes, even sleeping bags.     Zippers are an inevitability in life, but they simply weren't designed to stand up to dirt and sand. Grains get stuck in the teeth and it becomes impossible to close. Even worse still, sometimes they ...

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