Buying in bulk: a great way to save money, but also a great way to let food go bad quicker. If you're looking for an inexpensive way to divide your frozen food without defrosting it, the Food Kracker might be right up your alley!
Made from anodized aluminum, the Food Kracker is a simple way to split ...
Sometimes, you need to light your path with power that a store-bought flashlight just can't deliver.
Well, the FlashTorch is a cut above the rest, lighting your path with unparalleled brilliance.
The FlashTorch is more than just your average flashlight. Its powerful halogen lamp has an ...
We all love our pets and want to give them the most bang for their buck when it comes to play time. The fact is, though, our arms get tired and we as humans can only throw a fetch toy so far. Well, now the HurriK9 ring launching toy is here to make up for our weak throwing arms.
HurriK9 is a new dog ...
Finding the right measuring spoon is a real drag. You have to fish through your drawer to find exactly the one you're looking for. Well, now there's a way to compine all your spoons into a single, simple tool. But how do you make multiple spoons into a single spoon? Simple - you change the shape.
Mason jars, as you might know, are all the rage right now. Maybe it's their functionality or their rustic look, but whatever the reason, they're brimming with aesthetic credit at the moment.
In response to that, one savvy businesswoman launched reCAP, an easy-to-use, easy-to-store set of mason jars.
If you've ever had a plastic bag rip open on you, then you might consider this product. If you've ever had food go bad because a bag was left open, you definitely should consider this product.
The DOB Plastic Bag Sealer is a simple alternative to the chip clip. With one smooth motion, you can reseal ...
We use a lot of water. Like, A LOT a lot. The most obvious place we can see this water waste is in the shower. Every minute in the shower uses about 2.5 gallons of water. That is, scientifically speaking, a lot of water.
Well, now there's SWON. SWON is a water conservation device that attaches to your shower ...
Transforming furniture is 'in'. It's been in for quite a while now, such as the extending dinner tables with middle leafs that seemingly everyone has. After a dinner party, however, people often feel confined to the dining table. It's often the table that's easiest to gather around. Besides, why move all your stuff to ...
Bookshelf. Bookmarks. Lamps. These are all things that seemingly everyone has. Whether you're an avid reader, a casual peruser, or just someone in the market for a new lamp, you might consider LiliLite.
LiliLite combines the functionality of a reading light, a bookshelf, and a bookmark into one ...
You wanna pizza me?
Speaking of that AMAZING pun, checkout this stovetop pizza oven!
Not everyone has the resources for their own dedicated pizza oven. On top of that, many pizza connoisseurs swear that they can taste the difference between a pizza from a pizza oven and one from a ...
This may look like an ordinary wine glass, but you look at the bottom, you'll realize it's anything but.
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Mowing the lawn is time consuming, weeding your garden is hard on the knees, and shoveling puts a kink in your back. Still, there are few seasonal chores that are as much of a drag as raking. For starters, rakes are only somewhat effective at pulling in debris and leaves. On top of that, it's hard to be sure that you ...