Turn Your Phone into a 360 Degree Camera

360 video seemed like a fad when it first reached mobile platforms, but it’s quickly becoming a staple of social media for everyone from Vine celebrities, to commercial advertisers, and Facebook live videos. So how can you get in on the action?
Apparently, pretty easily.
The new Vyu360 camera lets you turn any smartphone into a fully-functional 360 degree camera! All you have to do is install an app and slip on the camera attachment and your ready to go!
Your panorama photos will be more accurate than ever! The Vyu360 also lets you geotag your photos and videos, review them at any time, and – with the optional Virtual Reality headset accessory, relive your moments as if you were there all over again!
The Vyu360 aligns your front and back cameras, uses their full periphery to capture as wide an image as possible, then digitally warps them to create an image that fills the full 360 degrees.
Right now through their Kickstarter page, you can sign up to be a beta tester (app and camera included) and get the camera for a fraction of the retail price!