The Miracle-Gro AeroGarden Lets You Garden Year-Round Without the Use of Soil

If you grow fresh herbs, vegetables, salad greens, flowers or anything else, you’ll understand that gardening during the winter season is just frankly – impossible.
That’s why the AeroGarden was created.
The AeroGarden is a smart countertop garden that lets you garden all year-round.
With the AeroGarden, you can grow up to 3 plants at a time. Instead of soil, the plants grow in water instead and use the 10-watt LED lighting system – tuned to the specific spectrum for photosynthesis.
The easy-to-use control panel at the bottom of the AeroGarden lets you know when to refill water and nutrients. It also automatically turns the lights on and off.
The AeroGarden is a great way to start growing your own veggies all year-round. Included in the kit is 3-Pod Gourmet Herb Seeds to get you started: Genovese Basil, Curly Parsley, and Dill.
The AeroGarden Kit is available for purchase on Amazon.