Melt Your Cheese On The Go With The Partyclette To Go

If you’ve ever loved melted cheese as a dip for your chips, or even a topping on your main entree, this little kitchen gadget is for you!
The Boska Holland Partyclette To Go is a kitchen set that includes a wood and metal frame, a barbeclette, 3 tea lights and a spatula.
With this Partyclette, you can get delicious melted cheese in just 4 minutes!
After it’s done, just use a spatula or pour it off the side onto your plate.
The handles then fold, and you can hand wash it to clean afterwards to use whenever you want.
It’s the perfect gadget for the cheese lover in you.
If you want a Boska Holland Partyclette To Go, it’s available on Amazon for $59.99. It’s also available on their product page.
Where to buy