Ferment Your Own Veggies with This Simple and Compact Fermentation Kit

Mason jars, as you might know, are all the rage right now. Maybe it’s their functionality or their rustic look, but whatever the reason, they’re brimming with aesthetic credit at the moment.
In response to that, one savvy businesswoman launched reCAP, an easy-to-use, easy-to-store set of mason jars.
Well, now she’s back with a new innovation: the reCAP fermentation kit!
Inspired by DIY reCAP fermentation experiments, the fermentation kit is designed to simplify and streamline the fermentation process. There are no cumbersome accessories or complicated tools – just a simple, leak-proof stopper top.
The reCAP team were able to streamline the fermentation process by inventing a cap that lets air and gasses out, but does not let any in. The jar hermetically seals itself so that no contaminants or excess oxygen gets in the way of the fermentation process.
The fermenter attachment is small and discrete. On top of that, the whole kit is BPA-free and made entirely in the USA.
But what can you do with a fermentation kit? Well, every package comes with a book on the Italian art of aperitivo, the light-fare happy hour. Depending on your kit, you can get a variety of different tools and guides to help you plan the perfect aperitivo get-together.
The reCAP fermentation kit starts at $15 on Kickstarter. Additional reCAP pieces can be bought starting at $8 on Amazon!
Check it out in the video below!