Tag: Love
Record And Read Aloud Any Picture Book In The World With Sparkup!

Record And Read Aloud Any Picture Book In The World With Sparkup!

Story time is the best chance for you to bond with your child before they go to bed. But what if you're busy? or on vacation? You don't have time to read aloud the story for your child. That's where Sparkup comes into play. It's a magical book reader that records and reads aloud any picture book, in any language, ...

Make The Coolest Pancakes Around By Designing Them Yourself!

Make The Coolest Pancakes Around By Designing Them Yourself!

Everyone loves a delicious pancake breakfast, but imagine if you could make the pancake a shape of a heart. Or how about even better, a shape of a heart with your loved one's face in the center? You may be thinking that's impossible, but with the PancakeBot, you can easily do it.       Not only ...