Smart Mirror Turns Your Bathroom into a Smartphone

Mirrors: the bane of human existence. Reflective surfaces, while drawing our vain glances, can distract us and pull us away from more important or pressing matters. Since the days of Narcissus, they’ve plagued us. Well, now they can be our friends.
With Perseus, the word’s first smart mirror, you can harness the power of the gods in your looking glass. With all the functionality of a tablet or smartphone, Perseus lets you bring the online world into your bathroom without the risk of dropping your phone or getting it wet.
You can answer texts, respond to emails, watch videos, take selfies, and more with Perseus intuitive design.
You can even check the weather, your calendar, the news, and basically anything else you’d check on your smart device.
Perseus can be displayed on its own or mounted on a wall – whichever you prefer!
Through a special Kickstarter offer, you can get Perseus for only $249!