This Robot Ball Lets You Play With Your Dog, Even If You’re at Work

We love our pets and we want to spend as much time with them as possible. Unfortunately, work, errands, and other responsibilities get in the way.
But what if there were a way to make time for your pet while putting in the same amount of effort as playing a smartphone game?
Well, there is!
Thanks to PlayDate – a new pet ball with a wireless, internet connected camera inside- you can monitor, talk to, and play with your pet from just about anywhere!
With your phone, you can see and control the balls movements – just like playing a smartphone game! You can even record your pet, make a squeaking sound, or communicate with your pet through a two-way speaker.
The ball comes available in two sizes – 3 inch and 4 inch – so whether pit bull or papillon, tiger or tabby, your furry friend can play along!
For only $169 through Indiegogo, you can own PlayDate before it even hits the shelves!
Plus, any $5 donation you make above the cost of the toy goes to a no-kill shelter in New York.
Check out the pitch video below to hear the story behind the PlayDate