Misa Kitara – A digital guitar designed for electronic music

Imagine taking a guitar, removing the parts you don’t need for electronic music and replacing them with a touch screen. Well Misa Digital thought about it and brought it to life with the Misa Digital Kitara, a digital guitar designed for electronic music, with endless possibilities. The Misa Digital Kitara features a multi-touch screen that allows you to play notes by touching the screen. Based on your hand gestures, you’ll be able to precisely control the generated sound. A MIDI controller will let you connect the Kitara to your existing MIDI equipment and an on board synthesizer will let you add effects and give you more control. This guitar is highly customizable and you’ll be able to configure it as you wish. The Kitara software is even open-source and available for the geeks out there.
Watch the Misa Kitara in action:
You can also notice it in the music video Fascinated by FreeSol ft. Justin Timberlake, Timbaland at 2:20.