This Machine Folds Your Clothes For You

Do you hate laundry? That is to say, are you a typical human? Does your laundry stay wadded up in a ball on the bed long after you take it out of the dryer?
Foldimate 3
Well, stress no more! Feast your eyes on the Foldimate!
Foldimate 2

No, that machine is not eating your sweatshirt. It’s the world’s first laundry folding, steaming, and piling machine!

With the final step of the laundry process automated, it’s like having the convenience of a laundry maid without the cost!

Foldimate 1

The machine is about the size of your average vending machine with twice the utility. It’s especially useful for families and those who wear a lot of dress shirts or other articles that need to be ironed.

Foldimate 4

At an estimated retail price of $700-$850, this machine costs roughly the same as a mid-tier washer or dryer. Though it’s not widely available yet, you can submit your e-mail on their website to reserve a pre-order spot today!

Where to buy

