This Italian Studio Is Putting The ‘Lawn’ In Lawn Chair

As it turns out, this ingenious idea isn’t exactly “new.” It was started back in 1999 as an art and design project by Piegiorgio Robino, an Italian designer based in Turin, Italy. There were a few pieces that could be bought, but it was not sustainable or marketable at the time.
Now that the world and our technology has changed, ‘Terra’ is now viable as a product. Lying down in the grass is a time-honored summer tradition, but now you can sit comfortably in your very own grass armchair as you soak up the sun and enjoy the summer months.
Using laser-cut cardboard frames, all you need to do is pop out the pieces, assemble them into place, fill the holes with dirt (and some gravel if you prefer), grow some grass seed on top of the installation, and wait. Now you have your very own ‘natural’ lawn chair made from your lawn itself.