The Device That Alerts You When Your Water Is Boiled

The BoilingBeeper is a gadget that alerts you when your water is boiled. This gadget is so useful, you’ll wonder why it was never thought of in the first place. We already have timers for our food in the oven, the BoilingBeeper acts as a timer for your water.
The BoilingBeeper is very simple to use. First, you place it in your pot of water, and turn up the heat. It will naturally float and beep once just to let you know that it’s powered on.
Second, you can be more productive. No need to watch your water to see if the bubbles show. Prepare the rest of your dinner, watch your kids, or relax for a bit.
Finally, listen to the beep. When the water is hot enough to reach the boiling point, the BoilingBeeper will alert you. Remove it from the pot, and you’re ready to cook. The BoilingBeeper will turn off automatically when removed from the pot.
The good thing about the BoilingBeeper is that it’s 100% accurate. When the beeper beeps, you’ll know that the water is fully boiled. Where as, when you watch over it, you’ll have to use your judgement.
The BoilingBeeper is on kickstarter. You can get yourself one there by pledging $15 or more.