Tag: Hygiene
The baKblade Is the Best DIY Back Hair Shaver

The baKblade Is the Best DIY Back Hair Shaver

For a lot of men around the globe, unwanted back hair is an uncomfortable reality. And that's why, finding the best solution quickly and effectively, becomes the next big step. Introducing the baKblade 2.0 - the ultimate do-it-yourself back hair shaver.     amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; ...

Save Water and Money with this Simple Shower Attachment

Save Water and Money with this Simple Shower Attachment

We use a lot of water. Like, A LOT a lot. The most obvious place we can see this water waste is in the shower. Every minute in the shower uses about 2.5 gallons of water. That is, scientifically speaking, a lot of water.   Well, now there's SWON. SWON is a water conservation device that attaches to your shower ...