Tag: Gadgets
Decorate Your House For Christmas In A Flash With The Star Shower

Decorate Your House For Christmas In A Flash With The Star Shower

Maybe it's the season or the holiday, but lights just seem a bit more magical in December. In the lead up to Santa's big visit, we all have a variety of Christmas chores to do. Maybe it's decorating the Christmas tree and the house, or maybe it's the sometimes challenging task of putting up the lights outside.   ...

Bake Some Epic Cakes! 10 Amazing Baking Pans For The Holiday Season

Bake Some Epic Cakes! 10 Amazing Baking Pans For The Holiday Season

Sometimes at holiday gatherings, people can get into passive-aggressive chit chat and competition. Allow us to introduce the game-changing addition to your arsenal. Even if you're not that good at baking, These incredible baking pans do half the work for you. Check them out below and see which ones will most suit your ...

The CreoPop Child-Safe 3D Pen Is A Creative Person’s Dream

The CreoPop Child-Safe 3D Pen Is A Creative Person’s Dream

The rise of 3D printing is a human accomplishment to be proud about. From lighter weight and more complex structural pieces to printed pizza, the future is clearly here already, and 3D pens are just another byproduct. While pens can ooze creativity, 3D pens are normally unsafe for use by children due to using melted ...

Easily Hydrate Your Hound With The Gulpy Water Dispenser

Easily Hydrate Your Hound With The Gulpy Water Dispenser

If you lead an active lifestyle, then your pet pooch is probably not far behind you. If you go for a run, then it's very likely the dog goes for a run with you. If you're going on a particularly long hike or something of that nature, then you bring some supplies such as water. This can be a bit of a challenge when ...

Tempus Is The Stylish Multifunctional Bag We All Need

Tempus Is The Stylish Multifunctional Bag We All Need

Modern lives are quite often busy lives. We are constantly moving around and need to carry so many things with us that we as well have half the living room and our wardrobe in our bags. Emphasis being on bags, since no single bag is up to task, unless you happen to be the intrepid minds over at Lantinga Vita, a ...

Japan Is Going Crazy For These Cat Bags

Japan Is Going Crazy For These Cat Bags

If you really love cats, then this is something to keep your eyes on. Made by a Japanese housewife named Pico, these designs are wonderful and very lifelike creations that you can cart around under your arm as you go about your daily life. She loves cats so much, that each hand bag is carefully and painstakingly ...

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