Remotely Control Any Device In Your Home

Take control over any electronic or appliance in your home wirelessly. Using an iDevice and the Belkin WeMo Home Automation System, you’ll now be able to turn on the fan or start the coffee machine while in bed, and turn the lights or the A/C on or off when away!
Connect the WeMo Home Automation System to your WiFi network and plug the desired device in the Belkin WeMo Switch. Then simply load the WeMo app on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad to take action! Set schedules for lamps, TVs or other electronics, or manually switch things on and off. WeMo is a modular system, so you can add additional switches and control as much or as little of your home as you like.
And there’s more! If you opt for the WeMo Switch + Motion bundle ($99.99), you’ll get to trigger the WeMo Switch with motion! So for instance, you could set the lights to automatically turn on when entering a room and off when leaving, or set to receive emails or texts when motion is detected in a selected area using the included IFTTT (If This Then That) service.