BatCave – The Batman Cave Made Entirely Out Of Legos

Made by Wayne Hussey and Carlyle Livingston, the BatCave is approximately 4 feet wide, 3 feet deep and 2 feet tall, and weighs in around 100 lbs. Designing and building this masterpiece took them 400 hours each over a 3 month period and over 20,000 Legos were used!
From the main components to the smallest details, everything is there! Beautiful lighting, Batmobile’s turntable, Batplane’s lift, bats hanging from the ceiling and more!
Now if this is not awesome, I don’t know what is.
Carlyle Livingston on the left – Wayne Hussey on the right

The Batcopter!

Notice the bats?!

The Batmobile!

Even the waterfall!

See the entire album here!