17 Dorm Room Hacks To Solve Your #dormprobs. You’ll Want #2– Whether You Live In A Dorm Or Not.

As much as you want to enjoy the sun and the careless summer air– school is starting a whole lot sooner than you are convincing yourself it is. So stop procrastinating because we have pretty much done all the work for you. Here below is a very complete list of all the things you’ll need for your dorm room (and also just a bunch of things you’ll want).
1. The Envelope Anti-Theft Case
So your parents got you a sweet laptop or tablet for graduation, and along with the present came a 4 hour lecture on the many ways it’ll get stolen. Put your mind at ease (and your parents’ too) with this thief-proof envelope case. For a bigger laptop, check out this case– similar concept… who would steal a book?

2. Ben and Jerry’s Ice-Cream Lock
Speaking of thieves, you might trust your roommate with most things, but you would never, ever, ever trust them with your ice-cream. Keep your friendship (and your ice-cream) with this Ben & Jerry’s lock. It fits over any Ben & Jerry’s Ice-cream container.

3. Home Dictionary Diversion Book Safe
And for those things that you wouldn’t want your roommate or anyone else visiting your dorm snooping through personal stuff (i.e. important papers, private journals, cash, etc,) consider investing in the Home Dictionary Diversion Book Safe to ease your mind.

4. Erasable Message Alarm Clock
So you drank a bit too much the night before and you’ve found yourself snooze that dreaded alarm clock. Suddenly, at 10:43 you wake up, realizing that in your sleepy haze you forgot about your 8:00 AM Psychology lecture. Whoops. With the message wake alarm clock that problem is solved. Hard to convince yourself you don’t have that brutal early class when it’s written in front of your face.

5. Shake and Wake Alarm Clock
This one is for those who have a hard time getting up but have early classes and don’t want to wake up their roommates with their absurdly loud alarm. Also for those who need a shake and not a ring to wake up. This band ties on comfortably and wakes you up with a stern vibration.

6. Portable Cup Holder
Thanks to one (or both) of the previous, handy-dandy alarm clocks, you’re up and ready for class. Well maybe not quite. You’re still in desperate need for some caffeine in your blood stream. With this colourful little gadget, you can clip your coffee mug or cup onto that tiny desk and try not to snore through your lecture.

7. Beside Storage
We all know dorms are pretty tight for space. This bedside storage unit helps alleviate that problem by riding you of a bedside table (or simply un-cluttering it) by giving a place for your books, magazines, kleenexes, glasses.

8. iHome Desk Organizer Speaker Lamp
Another cluttered space you’re going to want to keep clean is your desk. This lamp doubles as a desk cup so you can store all of the pens, clips and scissors in there and conserve a bit of (much needed) space. Plus, it also acts as a speaker so you can de-clutter your desk from those too!

9. Rakku Shoe Wheel
Don’t waste precious space in your itsy-bitsy closet for your slight shoe addiction. Stack em’ up in the efficient Rakku shoe wheel that allows up to 30 pairs to fit snuggly in you closet– minus the mess.

10. Closet Organizer
Add another level of rack space with this organizer.

11. Foldable Double Laundry Hamper
You might not be ready to face the unfortunate reality of doing your own laundry just yet, but you’re going to have to eventually. Here is the idiot-proof laundry basket for beginners. As you throw your dirty clothed into the hamper, simply toss them by cleaning batches (darks and lights) so that it’s less of a headache when you find yourself with no other choice but wash your clothes.

12. Custom Towels
Speaking of laundry, a custom towel with your name on it is a hard one to get accidentally stolen.

13. Dorm Sweet Dorm Pinboard
Add a personal touch with this charming pin board.

14. College Survival Kit
Add even more uniqueness to your boring-ole’ room with a kit of all you need to hang up pictures and posters.

15. Emoji Throw Pillows
Get comfy with these cute emoji pillows. We’re guessing the poop emoticon might not be the most enticing to sleep on, but imagine how great it would be to pummel your friends with it during an all-out pillow fight brawl.

16. Eraser Board Refrigerator
Same concept as the alarm clock, this fridge will keep your food cold and surely have all of your new friends leaving you weird messages.

17. Ping Pong Door
Last, but not least, this Pingpong door will be the reasons why your dorm room will be the most popular room on the floor: Instant Beer Pong. Or catch any spare time? Practice your skills and become the Rocky Balboa of Beer Pong. Either way, EPIC.