20 Bookshelf Designs That Every Bookworm Will Drool Over. #9 Is Mind-Bending!

Here at Drool’d, we’ve realized we like bookshelves. Like, really like bookshelves. Here below is a list combining all the cool ones we’ve found from over the years of scavenging on the interwebs because we know you really, REALLY like bookshelves too. Enjoy!
#1 – Grab some tea and your book from this tea cup bookcase

#2 – Animal lovers will simply adore these. From polar bears to ostriches, here are some animal-inspired bookshelves

#3 – For those who need a little extra motivation, this is the one for you

#4 – Snuggle up with a thrilling mystery (or a mysterious thriller) under this question mark inspired bookshelf and light

#5 – We know you want this Star Wars bookshelf for Alderaan reasons

#6 – The über sophisticated DNA bookcase for the sci-fi nerd

#7 – Yet another one for you chic geeks

#8 – The perfect gift for the organized book hoarder

#9 – The gravity defying bookcase. Gah.

#10 – On the same note, All we need is an apple to fall from this bookshelf for it to be the gravity bookshelf

#11 – The ever-changing, always bending flexible bookshelf


#13 – Balance your stack of read vs. unread books

#14 – The non-swallowing stuff couch that you can stick your books in

#15 – Yet another stylish bookshelf

#16 – Whale you be mine (please)

#17 – The sunflower chair will brighten your day

#18 – Here’s one that’ll inspire you to DIY

#19 – The Invisible Floating Bookshelf will surely make your guests look twice!

#20 – The best for last – The Bookworm Chair