10 Things That Solve Inexistent Problems. I Can’t Believe #3 Is Something You Can Actually Buy.

Here at Drool’d, we decided to put our web searching powers for the betterment of the world– by compiling a list of things that solve problems that (more or less) don’t really exist. We hope you have as much fun reading it as we did putting it together.
1. Rapid Ramen Cooker
First on our list is the Rapid Ramen bowl apparatus. For those who don’t know, if you just boil water and place the noodles in a bowl, it’ll accomplish the exact same thing.

2. Pajama Jeans
Sweat-pants meets jeans? You ain’t fooling no one, hun’.

3. EZ Cracker
We believe in your egg breaking skills– you really don’t need this.

4. Rollie Pop-Up Egg Maker
When have you ever in your life thought to yourself, “gee, I’d really love an egg pop”– never? Same.

5. Leg Warmers
Or you know, you could just wear pants.

6. Fat Magnet
If it’s too good to be true… it is.

7. Bacon Bowl
We love bacon as much as you do (unless you’re a vegetarian.. in that case we like it much more) but the thought of turning one of these into a bowl is bone-chilling.

8. Pasta Cooker
We could see how this could be somewhat convenient but do we need it? nah.

9. Shower Sandal Foot Scrubber
Why wash your feet when you can pay money for a cleaning apparatus that will shred em’?

10. The Dog Dicer