Freedom: The Versatile Electric Trike For Adults

Trikes have almost always been the exclusive domain of toddlers and small children, but no more. While trikes and three-wheeled vehicles have become a more common site in the past fifteen years, this model could be the key to the future of trikes everywhere.
The Freedom trike is the latest product from the appropriately named Trikke company. This compact, lithium battery-powered ride comes with a patented 3-wheel cambering frame, a quick-click folding system, and more to create a comfortable and dynamic ride that can go almost anywhere you want it to go. It’s easy to use, it’s intuitive, and there’s nothing else like it on the market.
Non-electric models ($199+) are also available HERE.
via Trikke TechInc
Non-electric models ($199+) are also available HERE.
Where to buy