Tag: Outdoors
Outdoor Garden Bar and Patio Planter Serves Up The Fresh

Outdoor Garden Bar and Patio Planter Serves Up The Fresh

Plant-A-Bar is a garden planter with an attached bar. It's perfect for outdoor entertaining, cocktail parties, and barbecues. Plant-A-Bar also provides a great option for urban gardeners looking to start their garden on a patio or balcony.   The bar top is amply sized, with plenty of room for cocktails and ...

Hammocraft: The All-In-One Hammock And Paddle Boat

Hammocraft: The All-In-One Hammock And Paddle Boat

If you're into whitewater rafting, this probably isn't the best tool for the job. In fact, the manufacturers are highly against it. But if you want to lounge on the water in the warm rays of the sun while relaxing in a hammock, this is definitely the thing for you.   Using two paddleboards as the floating base, ...

Modul’air Inflatable Floats Are Furniture For Your Pool

Modul’air Inflatable Floats Are Furniture For Your Pool

Now that the cold and icy grip of winter is behind us, we can look forward to months of fun in the sun and lounging by the pool. For some of us, lounging in the pool is as important as lounging next to it, and Modul'Air is here to help. Pool furniture has existed in some shape or form for the past few decades, but ...

An Honest-To-God Hoverboard Could Soon Be Yours In A Few Years

An Honest-To-God Hoverboard Could Soon Be Yours In A Few Years

Ever since Back to the Future Part II made its debut in 1989, people all around the world have dreamed of a day where hoverboards were a common reality. All of a sudden we wanted them just as much as we wanted jetpacks. And the same company that brought us water-powered jetpacks is on the verge of bringing to market a ...

Carry Whatever Life Throws At You With The EROVR

Carry Whatever Life Throws At You With The EROVR

Sometimes you have too much to carry from the car. Maybe it's all the stuff you need for an afternoon at the beach, or necessities for your new apartment, or a massive amount of groceries for your hungry family. The EROVR can handle all of these challenges and more.   Simple and adaptable, this amazing little ...

The Biski Looks Like A Fat Motorcycle, But It’s So Much More

The Biski Looks Like A Fat Motorcycle, But It’s So Much More

Whoever invented this was no doubt inspired by those crazy Canadians and Americans taking snowmobiles and speeding them across ponds, lakes, and rivers. This invention however is a cross between motorbike and a Sea-Doo and works effectively as either one.   The Biski has a 20 liter gas tank which feeds the 55 ...

Compact Retro Camper To Die For

Compact Retro Camper To Die For

The Gidget Retro Teardrop Camper is a compact beauty that hails from the Land Down Under. The shape makes it aerodynamic, meaning you'll save a few pennies as you carry this camper behind you. As far as features are concerned, this one seems to have them all in a remarkably small space.   The whole camper and ...

Freedom: The Versatile Electric Trike For Adults

Freedom: The Versatile Electric Trike For Adults

Trikes have almost always been the exclusive domain of toddlers and small children, but no more. While trikes and three-wheeled vehicles have become a more common site in the past fifteen years, this model could be the key to the future of trikes everywhere.   The Freedom trike is the latest product from the ...

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