Tag: mobile
Get 20 Tools in 1 Key-Sized Gadget

Get 20 Tools in 1 Key-Sized Gadget

Imagine fitting an entire tool box into a single key-sized tool. Well, you don't have to imagine anymore, because now there's MSTR Key.     MSTR Key (Master Key) combines 20 different tools into one compact, obtusely-shaped device. Each nook and cranny on the MSTR Key serves a specific purpose - from ...

You Can Use Your Phone – Without Using Your Eyes!

You Can Use Your Phone – Without Using Your Eyes!

Smartphones are great, but there are some times when looking at a screen just isn't practical. According to some studies, distracted driving caused by your cellphone or other device is roughly as dangerous as driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.   But what if you absolutely, 100% need to use your ...