Portable, Foldable Highchair is About to Make Being On-the-Go with Baby Much Easier
It can be difficult to adjust to motherhood if you have a busy schedule or want to travel a lot after baby.
Babies still need to eat on-the-go, but most public places have inadequate facilities for families.
Restaurants have highchairs, but parks or camp grounds or even your backyard have no where for your little one to sit.
Here’s a chair that is portable, can fold and is safe for baby.
It’s about the size of a lawn chair and can be put across your shoulders for easy transport.
It comes with a plastic tray for your baby to store their food. It’s sturdy, so they can put weight on it without it collapsing. It also has a rear pocket for whatever storage you might need.
It’s good for children up to three years old, or 40 pounds.
You can order one of Amazon here.