Night Runner Shoe Lights Let You Run Safely from Dusk to Dawn

Night Runner Shoe Lights Let You Run Safely from Dusk to Dawn

Running at night can be great because of the cooler weather and reduced traffic. But running in the dark can be dangerous, and wearing headbands or special straps can get in the way of your peak performance.   The Night Runner shoe lights are perfect for you! This hands-free lighting solution attaches right on ...

Apply Your Sunscreen With The Greatest of Ease Using BlokRok

Apply Your Sunscreen With The Greatest of Ease Using BlokRok

Did you know you’re supposed to wait for at least 30 minutes in between applying sunscreen and going out to brave the sun?   If you’re in a hurry, use the BlokRok!       Both models allow for clean coating without getting your hands messy. It comes in the Rok-It and BlokRok models, both ...

Make Healthy, Raw Popcorn Using the PopTop

Make Healthy, Raw Popcorn Using the PopTop

I love going to the movies, but sometimes the popcorn they make is just gross. Now you can make healthier popcorn than the butter-soggy movie theatre variety right at home with the microwave popper PopTop.   It’s design makes it safe and easy to even teach your kids how to get those kernels popping.   ...

Beat The Heat This Summer With The Ultra-Light TRAK Kayak

Beat The Heat This Summer With The Ultra-Light TRAK Kayak

After spending 10 years testing the perfect design, the people at TRAK have unveiled their TRAK Kayak 2.0.   It has a metal frame that you thread the skin onto, made from military-grade metal blend.       The body is ultra lightweight, but doesn’t compromise on durability. It’s covered ...

This Automatic Cherry Pitter Makes Pie Making A Breeze

This Automatic Cherry Pitter Makes Pie Making A Breeze

I love cherries, but it’s so annoying to have to take the pits out.   Now, this task is super easy with the Gizmo Cherry Pitter.     Load the feeding tray with a cherry and press the top to lower the needle into the fruit to pop the pit into the tray below. When you raise the needle again, ...

The Beach Glass Is the Perfect Glass for Any Outdoor Event

The Beach Glass Is the Perfect Glass for Any Outdoor Event

A day on the beach is so great, but it’s very easy to get dehydrated.   You could fix that with drinks, but you can’t bring glass containers and if you bring disposable cups they’re likely to end up in the ocean.   amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "false"; ...

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