Light Wing – Impossibly Light Tyvek Paper Shoes

Unbelievable Testing Laboratory is certainly onto something with their innovative shoe concepts, as their Light Wing shoes is a product that pushes the boundaries of science and everyday use. Using TYVEK, which are a type of flashspun, high-density polyethylene fibers, their shoes are literally almost as light as paper, allowing for a more natural and fluid walking movement. Just like their product, their utilization of Kickstarter is innovative as well, and gives everyone the opportunity to be a part of something special from the very beginning. Help push the boundaries!

Update: All the Light Wing shoes are gone! The only way to back up this Kickstarter project right now is by pledging $11 for the impossibly light TYVEK special edition wallet. However, later this fall new colors of the Light Wing shoes will become available. For the latest updates, visit their official page.