ICEdot Crash Sensor Mounts On Your Helmet, Detects A Crash, Calls For Help

We all have our favorite action sport. Whether you love biking, motorcycling, snowboarding, skiing or skateboarding, sure you have your safety in mind and wear a helmet, but what if you get seriously injured on that day you decided to go out alone? There’s not necessarily always someone with you, though you might need to get noticed.
The ICEdot Crash Sensor solves that problem. It mounts to any helmet, pairs with your phone, and if an accident occurs, calls for help. To avoid fake SOS calls, a countdown starts when the impact happen. If it is not disabled, which means you may be injured, it then triggers your smartphone to notify your emergency contacts and send your GPS location.
The ICEdot Crash Sensor is your guardian angel and definitely a life saver if you tend to be alone.

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