This onion and veggie holder is a revolutionary new utensil that makes slicing and dicing a cinch.
It helps you avoid the veggies slipping around or breaking, and help prevent injuries to your fingers.
Another finger benefit, your hands won’t smell if you cut heavily scented ...
Outdoor hoses have simplified gardening, there’s no doubt about it. But that doesn’t mean they’re optimized very well yet.
Now you can forget about scraping your knuckles trying to connect the hose cord to the faucet. Aquor lets you plug and unplug instantly. The water starts and stops automatically when ...
Summer is just around the corner and it’s about time to start lounging around outside. One problem though: mosquitos.
Now with the canopy hammock, you can relax in the shade and know no pesky bug will find it’s way to you.
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If you’ve ever gone on a road trip, you know that sleeping in your car is uncomfortable. But what happens when hotel prices start chipping away at your site seeing budget?
Get the Camperbox!
It’s a travel kit that lets you easily switch the back of your car into a bed. It takes ...
These herb scissors will make sure you aren’t making a mess of your kitchen or wasting time chopping.
The silicone grip lets you keep your hands comfortable and the brush cleans out the five blades once dinner is done.
It’s corrosion proof, so there will be no rust on your scissors.
Turbo FUSION is a height-adjustable toilet stool that helps you get the right angle to poop better.
I had no idea I was apparently pooping… wrong? Nature, according to research, intended for humans to do a full squat when they pooped. The modern toilet doesn’t take that into account.
What ...
Do you fancy yer’self a brave one, partner? Then take a ride on this her’ wild bull!
This pool toy makes me wish that I’d had a nice big pool when I was a kid.
This inflatable has handles on the side for your friends to pull and twist you around while you try to stay on top of the bull.
Even if environmental conservation isn’t at the front of your mind, most of us have at least thought once about what we’re doing to the world around us.
Our cars and electronics suck a lot of energy, so what do we do about it?
GreenLight uses solar energy to power your phone or device. ...
The bFan is a cooling device for people who get really hot at night and who want to save money on their air conditioning bill.
It works by removing your body heat that gets trapped under the covers. It uses convection, the way we naturally cool our bodies, to lower the body temperature of any ...
The InstaGrill is a charcoal cooking pit that is perfect for daily use.
It heats up in only 10 minutes - less time than a boiling pot of water.
It uses a stacked chimney to draw the hot air along all three of its levels.
You can use anything from paper to lighter cubes as fuel. ...
The Sobro coffee table is designed to move into the future with every facet of your lifestyle.
It has a refrigerated drawer and power to be the talk of your next party.
Keeping food and beverages chilled and within reach, you’ll never miss a moment of the game or have to pause ...
If you live in an apartment, you know how important space saving devices are, especially in the kitchen.
The ChopWash is your essential space saver.
You can clean and soak veggies, it becomes a collapsible washing bowl that has its own plug. You can expand it to fit more food or more ...