Aquabot – The Answer to Portable Pressurized Running Water Outdoors

Have you ever been outdoors and wish you had easy access to running water? You know, to wash your hands, your pet, take a shower, or clean some gear. The people at Lunatec have and they think you have too. That’s why they developed Aquabot™. Aquabot uses your reusable water bottle and transforms it into a pressurized sprayer with multiple spray patterns and an easy to use design.
“I came up with the idea while on a backpacking trip. Eventually, I just got tired of cleaning dishes, gear and myself by pouring water out of a bottle. I noticed everyone in our group had wide-mouth water bottles. I just needed to make it work better. That’s when the idea hit me. Pressurize the bottle.” – Rhea, President & Founder
Aquabot fits on the common 63mm wide-mouth water bottles, most commonly made by Nalgene® and Camelbak®. The three spray patterns are shower, stream and mist – providing the utility and ease of a kitchen faucet, shower and garden hose.