10 Cool Gadgets To Make Your Office Fun Again

Unless you work at Google, offices are usually dull and boring, and as we spend most of our days sitting at our desk, we needed to come up with a set of gadgets that would make our office space more fun. Hope you like it!

Tap the jar or make a little noise and the butterfly will start fluttering around in the jar. Watch the video. It looks so real!

Now that you have a magical electronic butterfly on your desk, what about adding a levitation illusion to the mix. The Levitron Revolution will float any object up to 12 ounces and slowly rotate it. You’ll get people calling it fake, but it’s simply awesome physics! Watch the video.

If moving objects is not your thing and you rather have something relaxing, FireWood is the way to go. This desk lamp will simulate the crackling sound and the flickering light of a fireplace. You’ll even get to set the intensity of the fire by touching or blowing on it! Just make sure not to get too cozy and fall asleep at work.

Cold hands? We found the solution! These hand warmers might not be the most discreet way to warm you up, but they work, and they’re cute!

What about lighting up your office with a bang. Take the gun-shaped remote and shoot that lamp. It will turn off, and bend sideways playing dead! Shoot it again, it’ll stand up and turn back on. How neat is that?

Time to get to work? Drop the f-bomb at your desk! Handmade in Utah with recycled steel.

Show what you appreciate and what you don’t!

If liking and disliking isn’t enough, this stamp will do!

If you’re in a cubicle and need to enforce peace, do no talking, make use of force.

Or even more force.