The DTV Shredder Redefines Off-Road

With a top speed of 30mph, this Dual Tracked Vehicle has all the power you need to travel over any terrain in any weather. The moulded rubbed tank tracks open up areas to you that other ‘toys for boys’ (and girls!) dare not take on. Fuelled by gasoline, the 196 CC engine puts out an impressive 13 HP which will give even the most dedicated adrenalin junkie the ride of their lives.
The DTV Shredder’s chassis is machined aluminium, reinforced with composite, meaning that it can take on any terrain you dare to give it. Controlled by a pivoting platform and handle, you have balance and stability, while the twist grip throttle gives you continual control over the speed and the handle mounted brake makes slowing simple. This machine just screams to be taken out and thrown around in rough terrain.