The Cradle Chair

Designed like a big basket in which one can curl up in, the Cradle Chair was created to bring relaxation, comfort, and calmness to anyone who uses it. Read a book while rocking gently back and forth, or fall asleep and forget the worries of life. Its design was heavily directed by a synthesis of research into Autism and children with Rhythmic Movement Disorder (RMD) with a focus on creating a space where users can dissipate the overstimulation of their senses. Handmade in New Zealand from locally sourced materials, each chair is designed for indoor use.

Original Concept by Richard Clarkson, Grace Emmanual, Kalivia Russel, Eamon Moore, Brodie Cambell, Jeremy Brooker and Joya Boerrigter.
Buy the Cradle Chair – $8400