EGO Semi Submarine – A Personal Semi-Submersible Boat

Imagine a typical day at the beach. All you want to do is have a dunk in the ocean with your brand new snorkelling set that you just spend a ridiculous amount of money on. When you finally get your head under the water, you find you spend more time avoiding jelly fish and crabs than actually enjoying the view. Then when you eventually give up, you spend the rest of the day picking dry sand off your body that has got absolutely everywhere (yes, I mean everywhere) you can possible imagine.
Fear not – there is a solution. With the EGO-Compact Semi Submarine, you can enjoy all the wonders of the sea without even having to get wet! Casually dressed, you can step down to the helm station and admire the sea. A few steps up and you’re under the sun! This unique semi-submarine is a simple and safe way of enjoying both worlds!