Make A Banana Piano or A Play-Doh Game Controller with MaKey Makey

Anyone can now be an inventor with the MaKey Makey Kit by Jay Silver and Eric Rosenbaum. MaKey MaKey lets your turn virtually any surface into touchpads and thus creating your own laptop keyboard, piano, game controller, Dance Dance Revolution dance mat or any imaginable input device. It’s a circuit board that connects to your computer via USB — then, let’s say you want a banana to act as the space button of your keyboard, simply connect the banana using alligator clips to the Makey Makey’s spacebar input and you’re done! By touching it, you will simulate the spacebar being pressed — and the same can be done with multiple input options such as arrow and few keyboard letter keys, mouse clicks and movements and for the experts, Arduino inputs are also available.
So whether you’re an artist, an engineer or anything in between, unleash your inventive side and start creating crazy things. Any conductive materials work with the MaKey MaKey so really, there are no boundaries! Pre-order the Full Kit today by pledging $35 on Kickstarter. The estimated delivery date is this upcoming August 2012.
Watch how the MaKey MaKey can be put to action!